Do you agree that Parliament should be dissolved to get a fresh mandate from Malaysians via a General Election?
(Adakah anda bersetuju sekiranya Parlimen dibubarkan bagi mendapat mandat baru dari rakyat Malaysia menerusi Pilihan Raya Umum?)
Poll result (Keputusan):
67% Respondent YES (Ya)
26% Respondent NO (Tidak)
7% Respondent NOT SURE (Tidak Pasti)
* Results as at 4 March 2020 (Keputusan setakat 4 Mac 2020)
The issue of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad resigning as the Prime Minister of Malaysia has shocked the country. It has changed the pattern, landscape and sparked political instability in Malaysia. This situation indirectly has negative implications on the socio-economic situation of the country. Existing state governments and politicians must immediately resolve the transition of power so that the crisis can be addressed in a healthy and collective political environment in order to uphold the interests of the country
Isu perletakan jawatan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah menggemparkan seluruh Negara. Iannya telah mengubah pola, lanskap dan mencetuskan ketidakstabilan politik di Malaysia. Situasi ini secara tidak langsung turut memberikan implikasi negatif terhadap keadaan sosio-ekonomi Negara. Kerajaan sedia ada dan ahli-ahli politik perlu segera menyelesaikan peralihan kuasa agar kemelut ini dapat ditangani dalam keadaan politik yang sehat dan kolektif demi memartabatkan kepentingan Negara.