The core strength of the organisation in conducting research and study for the purpose of improving the development of Sabah


No. Title of Project Client Lead Cluster
1 Peluang Kerjaya Bumiputera Sabah Di Semenanjung Malaysia dan Sabah: Mekanisma dan Pelaksanaan (Opportunities for Employment of Sabahan Bumiputeras in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah: Mechanisms and Implementation) TERAJU Cross-Cluster (led by CSO)
2 Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) Book Project PM’s Department (Sabah & Sarawak Affairs) Cross-Cluster (led by CRO)
3 Agriculture Food Crop Supply Chain Khazanah-Dana Impak Cross-Cluster (led by CSO/CRO)
4 Study to Reform Sabah Water Services Industry KKR Cross-Cluster (led by CRO)
5 Kajian Pengembangan Zon Ekonomi Bebas (Free Economic Zone – FEZ) ke Kawasan KKIP Fasa 2 (FEZ Expansion Study under Phase 2 KKIP) KKIP / MID Cross-Cluster (led by CRO/CSO)
6 Sabah Industrial Roadmap Study Cross-Cluster (led by CRO/CSO)
7 Upgrading of Sook Sub-District to District Keningau District Office Public Administration & Governance (PAG)
8 Pelan Tindakan Daerah Ranau (Ranau District Action Plan) Ranau District Office PAG
9 Beluran District Development Plan, 2023-2030 Beluran District Office PAG
10 Pelan Tindakan Daerah Sukau (Sukau District Action Plan) YB DUN N59 Sukau PAG
11 Pelan Pembangunan Daerah Penampang PAG
12 Pelan Tindakan Daerah Sipitang (Sipitang District Action Plan) Sipitang District Office Agriculture
13 Transformasi Pembangunan Sosio Ekonomi Sulaman 2022-2030 (Transformation of Socio Economic Development for Sulaman 2022-2030) YB DUN N12 Sulaman Agriculture
14 Pelan Pembangunan Khas Kg. Penimbawan, Tuaran (Special Development Plan for Kg. Penimbawan, Tuaran) YB DUN N12 Sulaman Agriculture
15 Pelan Pembangunan Strategik Ekonomi Daerah Tuaran 2023-2035 (District Economic Strategic Development Plan for Tuaran 2023-2035) Tuaran District Office Economy
16 Feasibility Study for Water Supply Phase 3 (Cadangan Pembinaan Empangan Papar) Aktif FA Consultant (for Water Department) Tourism
No. Title of Project Client
1 Analisis Daftar Pemilih Sabah (Sabah Electoral Roll Analysis) (I) Chief Minister’s Office (CMO)
2 Kajian Dinamika Pemantauan Pembangunan Sabah (Study on Sabah’s Development Monitor Dynamics) (I) Chief Minister’s Office (CMO)
3 Kajian Dinamika Pemantauan Sabah – Media Sosial Analisi  (Study on Sabah’s Development Monitor Dynamics – Social Media Analysis) (I) Chief Minister’s Office (CMO)
4 Ucapan-Ucapan ADUN (Perbentangan RRU, Bajet Negeri, etc.) (I) GRS Backbenchers Club / UPEN / MOF
5 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Census Project (I) SPCA Kota Kinabalu
No. Title of Project Client
1 Pelan Pembangunan Keusahawanan Penampang (in collaboration with KCCI) (I) YB Datuk Ewon Benedick / Penampang District Office
2 Grassroots Social Innovation Mapping (in collaboration with UMS) (E) KKTP / KPLB / State Government
3 Assessment of State’s District Councilors Profile (I) KKTP / KPLB / State Government
4 Understanding Sulu Claims on Sabah (in collaboration with UMS) (E) CMO / State Government
5 Tuntutan Sabah dalam MA63 (Sabah’s Claims in MA63) (in collaboration with UMS) (E) CMO / State Government
No. Title of Project Client
1 Sabah Economic Outlook (in collaboration with UiTM & UMS) (E) CMO
2 Consumer Confidence for Sabah (I) CMO
3 Sabah Economic Model (in collaboration with UMS & UCFS) (E) CMO
No. Title of Project Client
1 Food Security Policy Review for Sabah (I) Ministry of Agriculture
2 Poverty Eradication Through Agricultural Initiatives (I) Ministry of Agriculture
3 Study on Durian Policy for Sabah (I) Ministry of Agriculture
No. Title of Project Client
1 Mapping on Community-Based Tourism Potentials by District (E) KePKAS / State Government
2 Sabah Sustainable Greenprint Plan: Strategic Planning for Inclusive Circular Economy (SPICE) (in collaboration with UTP) (E) KePKAS / State Government
3 Developing Sustainable Framework for the Kinabalu Geopark and Social and Economic Benefits to the Local Community (in collaboration with UMS) (E) KePKAS / State Government